

Stuff that I've gotten around to change are highlighted in some way. I'm sorry that more haven't been ,but I'm trying to figure out the most effective way to display this. Most of the spell stuff from the Demo will be inacurrate for the full version. I've gotten submissions for a lot of the spells that don't have links already. Sorry for the delay, but I'm very behind in my homework, and need to catch up. Spells are a little screwed. I boo booed. Be a little wary of damage. Mana requirements are still okay, as with magic. Oh yes, and as someone pointed out, all of the spells are learned from books, and the mana required to use them will go down as you learn more of the same spell. Although the demo allowed spells to be "mastered" so that they require no mana, the full version does not have that option. Spells will require next to no mana, but will never be free. We are tentatively planning categories of damage (estimation), mana cost reduction, cost of spell when "mastered", level, and such. Please bear with us until we can get that done though.

Spell Name Spell Type Effect Magic Required
(1st lvl)
Apocalypse General Area, Magic Every monster goes poof in a cloud of smoke. Doesn't always kill them though ?
Blood Star Targeted, Magic A red star shoots slowly from your hands to a target. The amount of damage is set and relies on your magic stat. I think it works on things that are immune to other stuff 70 mag
Bone Spirit Targeted, Magic Cool looking spirit does 1/3 of target's hp in damage. Will search out another target if initial target is immune 34 mag
Chain Lightning General, Targeted, Lightning Lightning bolts which radiate out from you ?
Charged Bolt General, Targeted, Lightning Small bolts of lightning crawl across the floor and do damage in a random pattern to monsters in the vincinty of the screen. 54 mag
Elemental Targeted, Fire A flying flame elemental dude will tryta roast your target 68 mag
Fireball Targeted, Fire Shoot flame ball which explodes on contact 48 mag
Firebolt Targeted, Fire Shoots bolt at target 15 mag
Fire Wall Targetted, moderate duration, Fire Creates a stationary wall of intense fire from wall to wall or ? squares 27 mag
Flame Wave Semi-Targeted, Fire Creates a rolling wave of fire that sweeps through anything in its path until it hits a solid barrier 54 mag
Flash General Area, Magic Does lots of damage to all living creatures within surrounding 8 squares 33 mag
Golem Targeted, Magic Creates a golem-creature that attacks monsters for you 81 mag
Guardian Targetted, Fire Creates a multiheaded dragon which shoots homing fireballs 61 mag
Healing Self Heals self 17 mag
Heal Other Targeted Heals target person 17 mag
Holy Bolt Targeted, Special Does massive damage to undead only 20 mag
Identify Targeted Identifies Magic or Unique Item No books
Inferno Targetted, Fire A jet of flame bursts from your hands for several feet 20 mag
Infravision General Area Outlines monsters with a red haze so you can see them outside light radius ?
Lightning Semi Targeted, Lightning White streak of lightning, goes through monsters can affect multiple creatures 20 mag
Mana Shield Self Damage causes mana to go down instead of hp. Great sorceror spell 25 mag
Nova General Area, Lightning Expanding circle of lightning fries monsters it touchs until it hits a wall ?
Phasing Self Teleports you to one point of a diamond pattern on the screen 39 mag
Resurrect Targeted Brings back to life a dead person at the site with 10 hp. They still have to pick up equipment No Books
Stone Curse Targetted, Magic Turns one creature into brittle stone for a short time 51 mag
Telekinesis Targetted Opens potentially trapped objects and can be used to push monsters back from a distance 33 mag
Teleport Self Teleports you to where you click on screen, even if spot is unexplored 105 mag
Town Portal Semi Permanent Returns to town, 2 way fare 20 mag

Blue Icon : Learned spell (from books)
Red Icon: Scroll
Orange Icon : Staves
Yellow Icon : Learned skill

More information is provided specifically under each spell. This chart is only here for cross comparison

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