Spoiler Alert
Anyone who wants to solve the quests
themselves should not read further. The following text will give
some information
on how to solve some of the quests in Diablo.
Nothing on this page has been taken from other sites. The
wording is ours.
The Butcher
How to Solve- Go down to level 2
dungeon and find a bloody room full of bodies. The Butcher is
inside the room and will come out to kill you. You can cast a
firewall on him and close the door so he gets trapped trying to
get out, use a bow on him while he's trapped on the other side of
a gate, or take him on in hand to hand with at least leather
armor, a sword and a shield. See the strategies section for more
information. Your reward is the Butcher's Cleaver.
Who to get quest from: Wounded Townsman outside church
Poisoned River Water Supply
How to Solve - Kill all creatures in secret dark cave (reach it from dungeon level 2). Your reward from Pepin is the Ring of Truth.
Okay, this is what you're looking for.
Who to get quest from: Pepin the Healer
How to Solve - Go into a room with two doors right beside each other in Catacombs level 5. You will fight 3 Horned Demons and then be able to read the Book of Blood which tells you about the quest. Go into the next room and you will find the Pedestal of Blood and a Blood Stone. Pick up the Blood Stone and click on the pedestal. The stone will go into it and a door will open on the North side of the set-piece dungeon. Go into there and kill the 2 Horned Demons guarding the second Blood Stone. Put the Blood Stone in the Pedestal and a door will open on the South-East side of the set-piece. Go in there to fight 2 Horned Demons to recover the third Blood Stone. Once you put the third Blood Stone into the pedestal, a door will open to the North-East of the pedestal. In that room you will have to fight 5 Horned Demons to recover your reward of Arkaine's Valor (unique armor).
How to get the quest: Read the Book of Blood on level 5.
Chamber of Bone
How to Solve - Enter the secret
room that is reached from a separate stair case from catacombs
level 6. Once inside defeat all undead. You can then learn the
Guardian spell there.
How to get the quest: Read the big
book in the Dungeon (not sure about which level)
Gharbad the Weak
How to Solve - Meet him (He's a goat man, I think) on Dungeon level 4, keep returning to him, then kill him. Your reward is random magic items (x2).
Halls of the Blind-
How to Solve -Search the 4 room area where lots of those sneakers lurk (the ones that fight, then melt into the shadows), one of the Catacomb levels (I think level 7). Your reward is the Optic Amulet.
How to get the quest: Read the big book in the dungeon (not sure what level)
Zhar the Mad
How to Solve - Kill Zhar the Mad (He's an evil NPC wizard) in the level 8 Catacombs. Your reward is a random magic item and a scroll or book.
Anvil of Fury
How to Solve - Find the anvil and give it to Griswold. It can be found on a lava peninsula in Caves level 9 or 10. Your reward is Griswold's Edge (Unique sword).
Who to get quest from: Griswold
the Blacksmith
Ogden's Sign
How to Solve - There are 2 ways to complete this quest. This is the best way: Talk to Snotspill (a dark one boss) on dungeon lvl 4, find the sign at the end of the corridor beginning to the west of Snotspill and winding around into a room containing 5 Overlords and the chest with the sign. After killing the Overlords and getting the sign, return sign to Ogden (without talking to Snotspill). then go back to meet Snotspill. As soon as you enter the room he's in, he and 20 other Dark Ones will attack you. It's pretty easy to kill them if you stand in the doorway. Your reward from Ogden is the Harlequin Crest (you also get a random magical item off Snotspill).
The other way to complete the quest is to talk to Snotspill right after recovering the sign. He will then use his "great power" with the sign to attack you with his 20 Dark One followers. You can just stand in the doorway and kill them, but you will not receive the Harlequin Crest this way.
You must finish the quest and kill Snotspill to reach the stairs to Level 5 if this quest is part of your game.
Who to get quest from: Ogden the Tavern Owner
Curse of King Leoric
How to Solve - Enter the tomb from an entrance on the 3rd level. You will face a lot of skeletons, including skeleton bows. You will find two levers in the tomb. The lever in the east room opens a door that contains a couple of chests. Open the chests and you will find some items that will be useful in defeating the Skeleton King. Go to the lever in the west room. This will open the gate to the Skeleton King and his followers. The Skeleton King will go around and resurrect his slain followers, so you should kill him first. He's heavily armoured and tough in hand to hand combat, so let fly with holy bolts. A dozen or so should kill him. Your reward is the Undead Crown. You can also find other magical items in his treasure room to the north. A secret passage will also open to the east of the big room if you chop down all four crucified skeletons in the corner.
Who to get quest from: Ogden the Tavern Owner
Black Mushroom
How to Solve - Find the Fungal Tome
in Caves level 10, then give it to the Witch. She'll tell you to
bring her the black mushroom (found also on lvl 10), then she'll
tell you Pepin needs a demon brain. Kill any demon and bring
brain to Pepin for Spectral Elixir, then go to witch, she'll tell
you she doesn't need the Elixir any longer. Your reward is to
drink the Elixir (+3 to all attributes permanently).
Who to get quest from: Adria the Witch after giving her
the Fungal Tome.
The Magic Rock
How to Solve -When you go down to
level 5 of the Catacombs, you will need to search for a rock on a
pedestal. The pedestal's location is random, so you might have to
check for it in darkened corners and other places like that. Once
you recover the rock, you can bring it back to Griswold, and he
will put it into a silver ring for you. The Empyrean Band is your
This is the pedestal that you will need to search for.
Who to get quest from: Griswold the Blacksmith.
Warlord of Blood
How to Solve - He stands guarding the entrance to level 14. To go down any further, you must defeat him in combat. He is basically a Blood Knight boss and has a number of followers with him. There are a bunch of armour and weapon racks around him with magical armour and weapons that you can get after killing him or use telekinesis or some other method to get them before killing him. Your reward is the magical items on the 4 weapons racks and 2 armour racks as well as the magical item on him.
How to get the quest: Read the Book of Blood on level 13 to hear of the Warlord's evil deeds in the armoury of Hell.
How to Solve -Bring him (he is now a Blood Knight) the Golden Elixir, found in Hell level 15. Your reward is the Veil of Steel (unique helm that is AWESOME!!!).
Archbishop Lazarus
How to Solve - Enter his lair from
red portal in Hell level 15, solve the teleporter puzzle, then
kill the Bosses! Bosses include Lazarus himself and 2 Succubi
mini-bosses. Lazarus likes to throw fireballs. I've heard that
warriors should have some good spellcasting abilities by this
point. Rewards are 3 random magic items, one from each boss
(Lazarus should've had something cool on him).
Who to get quest from: Cain the Elder (on level 14)
How to Solve - Go through the pentagram to kill BIG, BAD BOSS for endgame cinematics! Holy bolt works well against him.
How to get the quest: Cain the Elder
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Thanks to Hunter Rose, Talon, Dark Wanderer, Matthew Tomadakis, Branden Babcock and Pierre Kluchert.